
Welcome to the SCP Foundation Regulation Nexus. Here you will find information about regulations, rules and laws that are crucial to your progression within the Foundation.

> Foundation Laws

The Foundation Laws are responsible for maintaining order, peace and security within the Foundation. They outline the Foundation's purpose and how it should be administrated among other things.

> Site Regulations

The Foundation has multiple places under its care. These places, known as sites, are dangerous. Without the proper regulations, there would be nothing but chaos on these sites. Site Regulations exist to control what can and can't be done on Foundation sites.
Site Regulations

> Code of Ethics (CoE) & Code of Security (CoS)

The Code of Ethics are a list of rules that all personnel, no matter their rank, must follow. Written and updated by the Ethics Committee, it exists to ensure that the Foundation remains somewhat ethical.
Code of Ethics

The Code of Security is a list of rules pertaining to combative and security aspects of the SCP Foundation at Foundation controlled facilities.
Code of Security

> Rank Structure

The Rank Structure dictates which clearance a person should receive depending on the rank that they occupy within a department. Someone that isn't in a department but has passed the standard application will receive a Level-0 clearance.
Rank Structure

> Class-E Logs & Foundation Blacklist

Class-E's are suspended personnel within the Foundation. Should someone be confirmed to have broken a rule, they will most likely face a Class-E sentence. To learn more about appeals, the Class-E system or who is currently Class-E'd, see the link below.
Class-E Logs

The Foundation Blacklist board logs and tracks every single individual or group that are banned from ever joining the group.
Foundation Blacklist

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